So I was reading around Jezebel tonight (yes, I really do do that) and I ran upon a link to a video labeled ‘virginity’ that appeared at first glance to be a mildly funny mockery of abstinence commitments:
And so I thought, my these guys are high production quality, and sifted through to another video:
And then it struck me. They’re actually Christian. Instantly my appreciation for the GSLIS bubble swells. I ended on this one, wondering if it’s actually a mockery of Obama:
Best I not dig any deeper.
Tag Archives: religion
Creationist Museum
Want a great place to re-learn all of the things that secular science holds dear? Visit the “Creation Museum”: in Petersburg, Kentucky which opened on 5/28/07. Get excited to “bring the pages of the Bible to life… [with] life-sized people and dinosaur animatronics…” I only can assume the museum does not depict Jurassic Park-like scenes. Want a discount on admission? Try “working there”:, although you need to sign and believe this “Statement of Faith”:, which might be a bit harder to do than you think.
Thanks again to “QT”: for the start and click the following links for more about what’s going on with “Kentucky”:, “the conservatives’ wikipedia”:, and “Creationist cruises”:
Move Over Wikipedia
For those of the conservative persuasion, you no longer have to be polluted with “Wikipedian biases”: “” is a site dedicated to a lower “liberal quotient”: {LQ=L/(L+C)}, which defines the percentage of “liberals”: existing amongst a population. Members proudly submit “reliable” articles “without false claims of neutrality” in order to uphold “certain principles which [they] adhere to.” The following quote details the origins of the site: ??”Conservapedia began in November 2006, as the class project for a World History class of 58 advanced homeschooled and college-bound students meeting in New Jersey.”?? With such a reliable beginning, we can be rest assured that “these top 100 articles”: effectively purge liberal thinking. For other info on the conservative movement from “duenos”, check out “conservatives with sea legs”:
Conservapedia has been profiled before on duenos “a long time ago”:, although at the time the servers were so overloaded Alex couldn’t learn much. He did produce a funny “screen capture”: Thanks to “QT”: for the reminder.
Creationist group fundraises with Alaskan cruise is set to open their "Creationist Museum": recently "profiled": by the BBC in less than 2 months. If you'd heard about it before and wondered what exactly is going to make such a place (or a "creationist cruise": all that different, I've done the research.
From their website:
*What is so different about this museum?*
??Almost all natural history museums proclaim an evolutionary, humanistic worldview. For example, they will typically place dinosaurs on an evolutionary timeline millions of years before man. AiG’s museum will proclaim the authority and accuracy of the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, and will show that there is a Creator, and that this Creator is Jesus Christ (Colossians 1:15-20), who is our Savior.??
That's right, dinosaurs existed concurrently with humans, in fact the predatory ones were even vegetarians because "before the sin of Adam, the world was perfect. All creatures were vegetarian."
Too much creationism around for your taste? Enjoy some secular science at the "National Center for Science Education":