Tag Archives: pixels

Have a pixel problem?

LCD panel displays are great, they’re cheap, efficient and bright. The only problem, they’re made up of tons of little pixels that sometimes get stuck or die. I’ve had a few monitors go bad over the years and never knew there was anything you could do about it until now.
For dead (black) pixels: These pixels aren’t getting signals from your computer any more. This isn’t as guaranteed to work as the solution for stuck pixels below, but try the steps recommended on “this page”:http://www.wikihow.com/Fix-a-Stuck-Pixel-on-an-LCD-Monitor and tell me how it goes.
For stuck (colored) pixels: These pixels aren’t dead, they’re just confused. Try downloading “JScreenFix”:http://www.jscreenfix.com/ and running it. The developers even claim that it can cure plasma screen burn-in.