Tag Archives: piracy

"Pirate schools" given healthy tongue-lashings

Faced with very little fear of punishment on the part of its enemies, conglomerated music is doing what it does best, complaining. Filing more than 150,000 complaints to universities this year alone, it’s not a surprise that some of their complaints have fallen on deaf ears. The biggest culprits in ignoring the RIAA’s rants are the universities: Ohio, Purdue, Nebraska-Lincoln, U of Tennessee and the University of South Carolina. Good job pirate schools!
I saw this article via “the Inquirer”:http://www.theinquirer.net/default.aspx?article=37780 and then read the full article in the Indianapolis Star. The interesting thing is that I then read the discussion forum on the Star’s website and noticed that almost without exception the commenters were pro-piracy. If readers in Indiana can be anti-establishment, what hope do the powers-that-be really have?
“the AP article”:http://www.indystar.com/apps/pbcs.dll/article?AID=/20070221/LOCAL/702210482 printed in the Indy Star, and the “forum page”:http://www.topix.net/forum/source/indianapolis-star/T17R2HQ22B3SJMVQI