Tag Archives: photography

To find beauty in the hideous

This is street art in it’s truest sense. Tim Meier of Berlin has this to say about his beautiful photo “Parking Blog”:http://parking-blog.de/:
??Strange but true it became a passion for me to photograph parking lots. I spent quiet some time in these concrete colossi, so I decided to do my diploma work in photography about it as well.??
Once again, thanks to Regina over at “we make money not art”:http://www.we-make-money-not-art.com/ for so many great links.

Browser based image editing

http://www.kk.org/cooltools/ points out this amazing website that offers multi-functional, useful, and speedy image editing tools, all for free. It's called "Picnik.com":http://www.picnik.com and, while still in Beta (what isn't these days?) is actually very useful. For more about the site, I recommend reading Jeremy's "article":http://www.kk.org/cooltools/archives/001646.php at Cool Tools, or you could just go ahead and "try it yourself.":http://www.picnik.com I was able to do this in no time at all.

In Katrina's Wake

Absolutely brilliant and heartbreaking, those are the words that come to mind looking through Chris Jordan’s “web-preview”:http://www.chrisjordan.com/current_set.php?arch_id=6 of his book, _In Katrina’s Wake._

The Hurricane Katrina is one of those important events that gets completely ignored by the generation that lived through it only to be memorialised by their less-guilty-feeling children. The reason for the guilt? While we continue to consume at an almost inhuman pace, fight wars all over the world, and thumb our noses at global warming, proof that not all is right sits there in the heart of the United States where the Mississippi meets the Gulf and we’re almost straining ourselves to not look at it.

Armed in America

I try very hard to avoid just repeating what you can and may read elsewhere but this is something I had to highlight. Photographer Kyle Cassidy has released “preview photos”:http://www.armedamerica.org/index.html from an upcoming book entitled “Armed in America: Portraits of gun owners in their homes.” They are, in a word, stunning. The American fetish for firearms is something I never understood and though I’m probably no closer now than before, these pictures moved me to place myself a little closer to those I’d always feared.
The thing that really surprised me is how very normally-American all these people look. Often pictured with their little children or pets in suburban living rooms, these are no gun nuts. And yet, for a lot of the subjects, toting an assault rifle looks just as natural as a TV remote.

This online exhibition has acted to further solidify my love for portraiture. There’s something so intrinsically human about looking at another person without pretension and in their own milieu. A few weeks ago I blogged about another portrait series that’s also an internet-photography must-see featuring gangsters in New Guinea and militant Palestinians. Check that out “here”:http://duenos.net/article/23/the-human-face-of-violence

This week in photography

Below are links to some of the coolest photography sites I found this week. The first two are along the same vein with the artists (Li Wei and Denis Darzacq) placing people in improbable or impossible positions within the urban landscape:

“Li Wei”:http://www.liweiart.com/ ??Li Wei Falls to the Hong Kong??

“Denis Darzacq”:http://denis.darzacq.revue.com/la_chute/
The next photo set is truly world class. They are the winners of the annual World Press Photo competition and though they were released last week, I thought there could be some people out there who hadn’t seen them. This photo is of a man in Nigeria rinsing his face just after an oil pipeline explosiong. Brilliant work.
!http://www.worldpressphoto.com/images/photocache/photos/2007/SN/Singles/SN-1_745x345x90.jpg” />
“World Press Photo competition winners”:http://www.worldpressphoto.com/index.php?option=com_photogallery&task=blogsection&id=17&Itemid=146&bandwidth=high

Robert Doisneau

Robert Doisneau has to have been the most famous and accomplished photographer of the 20th century. For 60 years, the artist brought Paris to the world with such pictures as ‘Le baiser de l’hôtel de ville’ (the Kiss by the Hotel de Ville) and “the musician in the rain.’ Pictured below.
!http://duenos.net/images/alex/doisneau_baiser.jpg” />
!http://duenos.net/images/alex/doisneau_musician.jpg” />
For anyone lucky enough to have seen it, a comprehensive Doisneau exhibit just closed this past Saturday at the Hotel de Ville in Paris. In addition to the more famous photographs (like the ones above), it was wonderful to see the more humorous pictures that seemed to really show the man behind the camera. My personal favorites of the exhibit were a series he took of pedestrians walking by a small gallery and looking in at a female nude. The facial reactions to the painting are priceless and I’ve posted my favorite below.
!http://duenos.net/images/Doisneau_shock.jpg” />
For more Doisneau photographs you can feel free to use Google Image Search but you’ll get far too many copies of Kiss at the Hotel de Ville than would be good for you. Instead try this “website”:http://www.robertdoisneau.com/ sponsored by Ace murder mystery games.

The human face of violence

Stephen Dupont and Kristen Ashburn have put together one of the more powerful photography exhibits I have seen in a while. Focusing exclusively on portraits of gang members and suiciced bombers (and their families) the photographers bring a sense of humanity to what all-too-often is reduced to a good guy vs. bad guy dichotomy. To see the whole collection with introduction go to this site. To skip the intro and go straight to a collection of thumbnails, go here.
child gangster from Port Moresby, New Guinea‘, ‘