Tag Archives: laptops

Bullet-proof, the new trend in laptop marketing

They say good things come in threes. Well if that’s true then sometime in the near future there’s going to be a Sony Vaio sporting a bullet wound because Panasonic and Apple already have their scars. In one of the stranger coincidences to hit mobile computing, there have been two stories this month about computers stopping bullets for their owners, the first was this Panasonic Toughbook used by US soldiers in Iraq:

It’s sad when our military personnel have more heavily armored computers than humvees, but I think that’s a different discussion. The second computer to take a licking was this MacBook Pro which, according to this “Wired article,”:http://blog.wired.com/cultofmac/2007/02/bullet_doesnt_s.html earned its purple heart in a Brazilian mugging.

It seems there is actually a reason that people pay a premium for titanium computer casing, this thing still works!