Tag Archives: computer

Songbird, a hatchling open-source iTunes killer

Brought to you by the Pioneers of the Inevitable, the brain trust behind “Winamp”:http://www.winamp.com/ and the Yahoo! music engine, Songbird is a new open-source ‘web player’ capable of iTunes-like music and video support AND firefox-like web-browsing. Why put the two together? I’m not exactly sure, but even though it’s still in its infancy, Songbird can already do some things better than iTunes. For starters, Songbird can support extensions that, among other things, fully integrate posting to “Last.fm”:http://last.fm or shopping at any number of online music stores. It also natively supports global hotkeys adding the functionality of “SizzlingKeys”:http://duenos.net/article/119/killer-apps-for-mac-sizzlingkeys for iTunes without installing another program. What’s more is that like iTunes and Firefox, Songbird is cross-platform compatible and free. Download the beta at “Songbirdnest”:http://www.songbirdnest.com and explore the extensions being made for it at “Windjay”:http://windjay.com/.
Previously on Duenos: “Last.fm”:http://duenos.net/article/14/melodic-match-making-on-lastfm and “SizzlingKeys”:http://duenos.net/article/119/killer-apps-for-mac-sizzlingkeys/.