II Kings 2:23-24: ??And Elisha went up from thence unto Bethel: and as he was going up that way, there came forth little children of the city, and mocked him, and said unto him, Go up, thou bald head; Go up, thou bald head. And he turned back, and looked on them, and cursed them in the name of the LORD. And there came forth two she bears out of the wood and tore forty and two children of them asunder.?? No, not in that sad holocaust way of thinking about it, but you know – the building blocks of it – your job, your family/friends, car, house, hobbies, etc… So this was surprising for me, considering I go to a college teeming with all manner of hooligans who are willing to wear green and drink themselves silly: I realise this will be two short film posts in a row but I’ll try to do something different next time. This film, “Food Fight”:http://homepage.mac.com/stefannadelman/foodfight/index.htm, by Stefan Nadelman of “Tourist Pictures”:http://www.touristpictures.com/ re-tells the military history of the world since the beginning of World War 2. It’s from a very western perspective, but it’s still a lot of fun. I really like the ever-growing burger stack that was the Cold War. In a world where very little is new, it’s nice to see cool ideas come to life. This animation is by a cool guy at “the Pratt Institute”:http://www.pratt.edu/ in Brooklyn by the name of Javan Ivey. The technique is known as stratastenciling and involves a cascading series of paper cut-out cards. Visit his website “here”:http://www.javanivey.com/ for more genius. Just when I thought there couldn’t possibly be another group selling ridiculous rubber bracelets to promote their cause, I found out about “this one”:http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/. Playing on the idea that we are what we do, _A Complaint Free World_ seeks to “help you set a trap for your own negativity and redirect your mind towards a more positive and rewarding life.” Imagine how much better the world would be if there weren’t almost 5 million people out there wearing purple bracelets complaining about other people complaining. !http://www.lifestraw.com/en/low/imgs/pic03.gif! It’s been quite a long time since I’ve been able to enjoy the verdant fields and lush plains that are contributing to Duenos, but I’ve managed to escape from the clutches of the law briefly to . . . talk about what I’ve written on the law.
That’s been one of my favourite extracts from the Bible ever since my sophomore year religion class when we were taught the Old Testament. It’s also ranked number 8 in Cracked.com’s “9 Most Badass Bible Verses”:http://www.cracked.com/article_15699_9-most-badass-bible-verses.html . This article is one of the funniest things I’ve read in a long time and clearly I’m not the only one as it has received over 6000 “Diggs”:http://digg.com/odd_stuff/The_9_Most_Badass_Bible_Verses_2.
Just in case you don’t believe my 5 star rating for humour, here’s some of what they had to say about the above passage:
??Christians are constantly asking for prayer in schools to help get today’s kids in line, but we beg to differ. We need bears in schools. If every teacher had the power to summon a pair of child-maiming grizzly avengers, you can bet that schoolchildren nowadays would be the most well-behaved, polite children, ever. It’s a simple choice: listen to the biology lesson, or get first-hand knowledge of the digestive system of Ursus horribilis.??
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How much is your life worth?
Turns out a man is selling his life on Ebay. The sale, a result of his wife leaving him, is remarkably complicated, and flushed out on his website.
I nabbed this post from the Inquirer so you best read more about it there.
Drinking is Morally Wrong
Cheating on your taxes is almost as bad as cheating on your spouse.
Drinking excessively is worse than smoking marijuana.
Engaging in homosexual behavior and having an abortion are equally fraught.
Telling a lie to spare someone’s feelings is worse than gambling.
Sex between unmarried adults is more objectionable than overeating (but not by much).
These are some of the findings from PEW’s “Barometer of Modern Morals” report released in 2006.
You can read more about it here.
Gestating Giselle
(image from angelmoth, a previous balletLORENT production)
BalletLORENT, directed by Liv Lorent, is currently seeking twelve pregnant women to perform alongside company members in MaEternal. The Newcastle company wants to “to share with an audience the beauty of what it means to carry the life of another within you.” Personally, I think there’s a reason that ballerinas stop dancing when they start morning sickness and hormonal swings, but Lorent has been inspired by her own pregnancy–and I’ve also been told you don’t argue with a pregnant woman.
(thanks to Aaron for the original article)
Food Fight
Amazing new animation technique
Stop the complaining!
Still, what’s not to love in the idea that you can just spend money and feel better. I suppose that’s the real secret to happiness, “read a book”:http://www.complaintfreeworld.biz/cofrwobo.html, “go on a cruise”:http://www.acomplaintfreeworld.org/E-Newsletters/2008/cruise.htm, “buy a bracelet”:http://www.complaintfreeworld.biz/purple-complaint-free-bracelet.html and get over yourself.
Previously featured ridiculous cruises:
* “Creationist group fundraises with Alaskan cruise”:http://duenos.net/article/164/CreationistgroupfundraiseswithAlaskancruise: Answers in Genesis on the high seas.
The Dionne Quints
Like most Americans (or so I assume), I grew up thinking of Canada’s government as sort of a benign, agreeable uncle with a funny accent. So it was rather disturbing when I discovered that the first set of identical, natural-birth quintuplets to survive their infancy were in fact seized by the Canadian government in 1935, when the girls were one. Their doctor was given guardianship and they were put in “Quintland”–a tourist attraction that rivaled the Niagara Falls for popularity and that CNN called a depression-era freak show. According to the Wikipedia entry on the sisters, an average of 6,000 visitors came to observe the quints every day and the hospital/zoo brought in $51 million in tourist revenue to the area–during the depression. Even when the Dionne quints’ father successfully regained custody of his daughters in 1943 he continued to display and exploit them. In 1998, the remaining sisters were awarded $4 million by the Ontario government in compensation for their nine years on display (after a long and harrowing suit, of course).
Below are two pictures of Quintland from postcards. While the Wikipedia article is certainly more reliable and less…informal?…there’s also an interesting, if…unpolished and editorial…site here about Quintland with many pictures.
The Life Straw
I don’t know if I’ve ever mentioned this invention on the blog before, but I first heard about it a few years ago and was very impressed. It is called the Life Straw and it’s the grand prize winner at the Saatchi & Saatchi Award for World Changing Ideas, along with much-lauded runner up “One Laptop Per Child”:http://laptop.org/. The idea of the Life Straw is that it uses a cheap halogen-based resin to filter out 99.9 percent of bacteria and 98.7 percent of viruses providing a VERY cheap way to filter water anywhere. Because the places dealing with water problems are typically not the kind of places with large infrastructures or abundant resources, the Life Straw really helps most where the problems are at their worst. It’s an incredible idea and I for one want to add my voice to singing it’s praises. Who knows, it may just change the world.
For more about the Life Straw, the science behind it, and the promise it holds, visit the official site “here”:http://www.lifestraw.com/. You could also learn about it like I did through environmental uber-blog: “TreeHugger.com”:http://www.treehugger.com/files/2008/02/lifestraw_world_changing.php.
International Travel, the Law, and Your Laptop
I’m involved with the “Illinois Business Law Journal”:http://iblsjournal.typepad.com/, a blog designed to give law students (and others) the ability to write on pertinent business issues. Though the issues touch business in some way, the scope of the possible topics is extremely broad.
I just finished my "first article":http://iblsjournal.typepad.com/illinois_business_law_soc/2008/02/picture-yoursel.html, which discussed the current and prospective state of the law with regard to border searches of laptops and other electronic storage devices performed by US Customs, which has an especially powerful impact on international business travelers. I encourage you to give it a read, but for those with shorter attention spans, here's the basic deal:
You'd be surprised what extensive powers the federal government has under existing case law to search your property at the border, and the government rarely needs to suspect you of anything to do so. That being said, there is a particularly influential case being decided in federal court in California right now (United States v. Arnold) that could shape the future of how the law regards laptops and similar devices.
Basically, the government is trying to argue that a laptop is no different from any other kind of container that you can put things into. It's also trying to argue that it needs to get into your files to ensure that you're not carrying anything illegal over the border. I think you can guess how I feel on that one, but if you'd like to know more, check out the "article":http://iblsjournal.typepad.com/illinois_business_law_soc/2008/02/picture-yoursel.html.
Fortunately, groups like the "Electronic Frontier Foundation":http://www.eff.org have the back of privacy-loving people everywhere, and cases like these help motivate me to further study the law so that I will be able to work to protect vital rights one day myself.