This is what reading blogs is all about!
“m4intern”: is a place for all the best of “male for intern” lust to play out across cyber space. Here are some of my very favorites”
“Would you like a free room”:
_Rents are very expensive in this town and if you are intern, recent college grad or work for a non-profit, well, it is pretty hard to make rent. So I would like to offer one room in my two room condo, fully furnished to the right girl in exchange for some physical intimacy (we can discuss the exact details)_
“Wanted: Princess to spoil intern recent grad or young prof”:
_I’m looking for an intern, recent graduate, or young professional who is used to or wants to be treated like a princess! Let’s do dinner, drinks, shopping, whatever!_
_I’m a busy professional with no time for a full time girlfriend! However, I see this as being a fun and exciting opportunity. I have a awesome apartment with all the bells and whistles – pool, fitness, cafe, etc.! Luv it!_
“Hello beautiful”:
_Me: I’m that 20-something hill staffer. I have waited for this day for nine months. And now, you are back, Beautiful, you are back. You’ll see me at the bars, leaning back in my chair, my tie loosened, my wallet open to you and your beautiful friends. I know the best bars you’ve never head of, the best restaurants you can’t afford. And I would love to show you around my city._
“An interesting proposition for dc summer interns”:
_This is addressed to all the young interns who have invaded this great city for the summer to gain a real education about how our nation’s capital really works. Although I am not one of you I am, instead, one of the powerbroker lobbyists who is in his forties who has his fingers on the pulse of this city._
_But as I am sure all you young interns, with your tanned and toned lean, muscular legs, long silky hair, and firm breasts and tight firm asses know…this town is full of powerbrokers like me who are very sexual and have kinky desires that we fantasize about and want to make a reality just like we make most things happen in this town._
_I am looking for those interns who are open minded, willing to try something new and safe and help make this powerbrokers fantasy come true and earn a little extra spending cash during your internship._
Creepy phone ad
“Engadget”: has it right when it describes this phone ad (for the “LG Secret”: as more creepy than sexy. If you live in Europe this is probably work-safe, but if the person sitting next to you gets uncomfortable at Hanes underwear ads, I’d suggest waiting for them to take a potty break before watching.
co2 trends across the globe… going up
“Global emissions from consuming/flaring of fossil fuels”: take on co2 emissions.
A rather harsh license agreement (which I highly recommend by the way) and I started to wonder what kind of game I was playing. Is it really worth risking death to convert that .avi to a lower quality .wmv?
Has any one else seen something like this before?
A new take on business cards described himself as a "hacker, entrepreneur, and all-around mischief maker" back when his website was still functioning. I suppose that's why he wanted something a little different for his business cards, which is why he had "these": made. The designer is named "Jeni Mattson": and the card is made of punch-out lock-pick tools which apparently work. Pretty cool.
Map Monday: Deforestation in Borneo
This is the first of what will hopefully a popular series highlighting different maps from and about different parts of the world. Enjoy. for native orangutans and it correlates very closely with the above "deforestation map":
Longaberger Basket building is a giant basket of it by Flickr member "Dania H":
Guido Daniele, artista multimediale
Guido Daniele is an Italian artist whose specialty is a little more hands-on than many others. That’s right, the above animals are all painted hands, or “handimals” as the artist calls them. Of course, Signor Daniele has a lot more at “his website”: including more “handimals”:, “trompe l’oeil murals”: and “body painting (nsfw)”: His “biography”: has more about him.
A big thanks to Gary for the reference.
Previously featured on Duenos:
* “Chalk art by Julian Beever”: – A true master of trompe l’oeil, Beever is a master of perspective. His portfolio is a must-see.
Sea levels showing no signs of stopping comes from a group called "GRID-Arendal": in conjunction with the UN Environmental Programme's "Global Outlook for Ice and Snow": The report is fascinating and long, but full of interesting things. The conclusion is obviously not good. With rising oceans, a lot of people living at or just above sea level might be in trouble soon. The impact of global warming is something we've barely scratched the surface on feeling, and I fear that it will get a lot worse before it gets better.
To try to get my head around this concept of rising sea levels and the real impact it can have, I've found some resources more helpful than others, and I'll share those with you now. This first resource you may have seen before but it's worth looking at again. It's a "Google Earth plug-in": that simulates the rising sea levels over the next 100 years. Some places do alright but there are a lot of cities (New York, London, Amsterdam, etc) and even countries (Bangladesh for example) that lie low enough to be almost completely flooded. Secondly, this is a good "illustration": of how the ice shelves "calve" icebergs which dissolve away into the sea. Of course if you have seen this before you probably saw it in Al Gore's _Inconvenient Truth_, and you probably don't need any convincing that this is real and bad. Really bad.
Previously featured on Duenos:
* "Permafrost no longer": An Alaskan village struggles with a deep thaw that leaves the land unable to support buildings and has cut it off completely from the mainland.
* "Google Earth maps the Darfur genocide":
Open-source Sewing
Self-styled as “your tool to design and sew your own wardrobe!,” “”: is the “instructables”: of the sewing world. Site members can post their own sewing patterns and other people can then post pictures of their creations using those patterns. Like any good design-centered site, there is also the facility for rating patterns, discussing them in forums, and even “learning new techniques”: Now I’ve never had any inclination to create my own clothing in my life, but if I ever did I’d imagine I would drool all over this website.
Thanks to yet another “infodoodads”: post for this wonderful find. An oldie but a goodie. The above sewing pattern is the oh sew sweet “Kasia skirt” and can be found at its “project page”: You will need to sign up for a free membership to see details.
Previous open-source innovation featured on Duenos:
* “Build your own skis, really”:
* “Build a computer out of lego bricks”:
* “Patagonia sells their scraps for a diy shoe”: