Willi Chevalier
Sigmaringen, Germany
Sigmaringen Beard Club
Partial beard freestyle category (“Willi has won this category at all WBMC’s in memory with the exception of the 2003 WBMC when he was on injured reserve following an unfortunate encounter with a power drill”)
The mustache is a widely debated form of facial hair that I, for one, was never a fan of until just recently when I discovered this: the World Beard and Mustache Championships . Only eighteen years old, this amazing phenomenon brings together hirsute competitors to rival one another in a range of categories (six specifically for mustaches: natural, Hungarian, Dalí, English, imperial, and freestyle).
Elmar Weisser
Brigachtal, Germany
Swabian Beard Club
(Beard depicts Berlin’s Brandenberg Gate)
After being held in Sweden, England, Germany, Norway, and other locations, this coming year’s championship games will be hosted in Anchorage, Alaska. Beard Team USA is sadly less impressive than many other teams, but according to the World website, in 2007 “Upstart Beard Team USA mounted a serious challenge to the always dominant Germans, taking first in five categories.”
Burke Kenny
Olympia, Washington
Beard Team USA
(Kenny is “a former pizza delivery professional”)
The Dalí category makes a great deal of sense if you’re familiar with pictures of the painter, one of which is below. Dalí not only dedicated paintings to his stache, he also created a book of his mustache with photographer Philippe Halsman.
All of this made me curious about Guinness Book World Records, so I discovered Badamsinh Juwansinh Gurjar–the man designated in 2004 as winner of the world’s longest mustache. At that time his mustache was twelve and a half feet and he had not cut it for twenty-two years. Gurjar is pictured below.
e.g. versus i.e.
I’ve been doing a lot of editing documents lately and it has come to my attention that I never knew the difference between i.e. and e.g., and have therefore used them interchangeably. That’s probably not a great idea now that I’m writing for a wider audience than my friends who read this blog so I looked it up. Here’s what I found.
“I.e.” stands for the Latin phrase ‘id est’ or _that is_. “I.e.” is used in place of “in other words,” or “it/that is.” One uses i.e. when one wants to specify a previous point or re-phrase something to catch a different nuance of meaning.
“E.g.” is also Latin, though it stands for ‘exempli gratia’, which translates as _for the sake of an example._ One uses e.g. when an example is needed, but one wants to imply that the examples given are just some of the many possible examples.
Some examples:
* Her heart sunk as the ship disappeared into the water; i.e., she was devastated. _from_ “_WiseGeek.com_”:http://www.wisegeek.com/what-is-the-difference-between-ie-and-eg.htm
* I like citrus fruits (e.g., oranges and lemons). _from_ “_Daily Writing Tips_”:http://www.dailywritingtips.com/the-difference-between-eg-and-ie/
Map Monday: Making international legislation
http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/who-is-involved-the-making-of-international-legislation with extra thanks going to designers Cécile Marin, Emmanuelle Bournay.
Previously featured on Map Monday:
* "Potential Powder Kegs":http://duenos.net/article/435/MapMondayPotentialpowderkegs - Arms and landmine stockpiles around the globe.
* "Thermohaline Circulation":http://duenos.net/article/433/MapMondayThermohalineoceancirculation - The current that keeps the world temperate. Will it last forever?
* "Deforestation in Borneo":http://duenos.net/article/432/MapMondayDeforestationinBorneo - The hand of man over time on one tropical island.
Corporate team-building. …yea?
” “The Go Game”:http://www.thegogame.com/team/index.asp is the future of corporate play. It’s the intersection of wireless technology, Mission: Impossible, and team-building as you have never seen it.”
This is hide and go seek, capture the flag, and any other silly game all wrapped into one. First of all you are issued a lunch box (right) filled with all the necessary tools for fun: Cell phone, digital camera, a CD, a host of actors, a scripted game plot, and prizes. Seriously! What happened to good old fashioned four square? Check out this “gallery”:http://www.thegogame.com/team/gallery/photos.asp of corporate folk having fun. Some selections below.
http://duenos.net/article/421/Stuffwhitepeoplelike about "Stuff White People Like":http://stuffwhitepeoplelike.com/ for similar embarrassment.
Map Monday: Potential powder kegs
The planet is scattered with hazardous or explosive leftovers from a succession of technical breakthroughs – be they military or industrial – just waiting to be washed away by a flood or mudslide or carried off by a hurricane. If disaster strikes these “powder kegs” multiply the danger to people and the environment.
If this topic is of any interest to you, please see “President Eisenhower’s farewell speech”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8y06NSBBRtY about the dangers of the arms race and what he and many others term the “Military Industrial Complex.” Many of the landmines and other weapons used to kill all over the world have their roots here in the United States and it is only by waking up to this and changing the subsidy programs in this country that we can possibly change the violent realities in other countries. In the mean-time, there are organizations like the “International Campaign to Ban Land Mines”:http://www.icbl.org/ that work to deal with the short-term effects of this plague.
This map and description has been shamelessly lifted from “UNEP”:http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/conflicts_and_disasters_potential_powder_kegs_landmines_and_other_explosives.
Previously featured on Duenos:
* “Anti-Landmine Commercial”:http://duenos.net/article/68/iraq-war-continues-unimpeded-soccer-players-at-risk – A scary look at what it could mean if these problems were as common here as they are in some of the places highlighted in the map above.
* “Map Monday: Thermohaline circulation”:http://duenos.net/article/433/MapMondayThermohalineoceancirculation – The current that keeps the world temperate.
* “Map Monday: Deforestation in Borneo”:http://duenos.net/article/432/MapMondayDeforestationinBorneo – Another human trend that is doing damage, this time to Orangutans.
The five-year old's dream team: Kellogg's™ and Lego®
When I first saw that Kellogg’s™ and Lego® had teamed up to create what I have no doubt is a delicious combination of chemicals to make fruit snacks (I’m sorry, “Fun Snacks”–I wouldn’t want to get confused and shortchange the fun sealed into these packets) in the shape of Legos, I was pretty impressed. Although you might be disappointed by the fact that they are neither certified as Kosher nor vegetarian (that damned gelatin again), ingredients and nutrition facts (get ready, Richard Simmons: only one carbohydrate per serving!) can be seen on Kellogg’s™ site.
Don’t get too excited too quickly, though. I expect that the real fun will come after the Fun Snacks confuse some bright little American children into eating their less digestible Lego® blocks (unlikely to have 13 grams of sugar per 25 grams) and start the legal fun. As Penny Arcade blogger Gabe says, “I would love to know what sick bastard at Kellogg’s came up with this genius idea. I just spent the first three years of my son’s life trying to get him not to eat blocks, and now you’re telling him they taste like fucking strawberries.”
Google comes in Pig Latin
http://www.google.com/intl/xx-bork/, "Elmer Fudd":http://www.google.com/intl/xx-elmer/, "l33t":http://www.google.com/intl/xx-hacker/, "Klingon":http://www.google.com/intl/xx-klingon/, and many more. Visit Google "Language Tools":http://www.google.com/language_tools to see them all.
Holy balls! wtf is the garbage?
Italian artist Graziano Cecchini decided to protest the halt on garbage collection in Italy… how? By making more garbage! But cute, colorful, fun garbage in the form of 50,000 balls. I think he wanted to make a ball pit out of the Piazza di Spagna… apparently nobody warned him what those are like in McDonalds.
It does beg an interesting question though – what to do with all of the garbage. I mean we accumulate this stuff continuously, if we reached a critical mass where would we put it that wouldn’t hurt the environment?
The impact on Naples has been pretty bad – nobody wants to buy products from the area anymore because they might be contaminated. There’s talk of building a modern incinerator to help ease the problem (or you could just talk to the mob and get it dumped in eastern Europe) but I suspect they’re going to need a more long-term solution. Time will tell…
Pancake batter in a spray can
http://www.batterblaster.com/ is an organic solution to all the "hard work and dancing":http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fnxPIv99e-E&feature=related that used to go in to making pancakes from scratch. Just shake the pressurized can of organic wheat flour (unbleached), organic cane sugar, organic whole egg solids, organic soybean powder, lactic acid from beet sugar, baking soda, and organic rice bran extract propellant, and spray it on to a greased pan or waffle iron. Oh yeah, it makes waffles too.
Thanks to the "Shiny Shiny blog":http://www.shinyshiny.tv/2007/11/organic_batter.html for bringing this product--or delightful hoax--to my attention.
Map Monday: Thermohaline ocean circulation
http://maps.grida.no/go/graphic/world-ocean-thermohaline-circulation1 , demonstrates the current system of currents that transfer heat throughout the oceans. Often called the "ocean conveyor belt," "thermohaline circulation":http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thermohaline_circulation is what keeps northern Europe and North America from being all together too cold in winter because it brings hot water from the tropics which warms the air in those regions. Recently the thermohaline process has become quite popular to talk about because of increased cold, freshwater run-off coming from the polar ice caps. Scientists are saying that these effects could slow down, stall or even reverse thermohaline circulation and (worst-case scenario) plunge northern Europe and North America into a local ice age.
Previously featured from UNEP on Map Monday:
* "Deforestation in Borneo":http://duenos.net/article/432/MapMondayDeforestationinBorneo