Previously featured _Killer Apps for Mac._
* "Adium": - an alternative chat client
* "App Zapper": - tracks down all the caches and libraries for deleted applications and deletes them
* "Darwiin Remote": - an application that allows the use of the Wii-remote as an input
* "Disk Inventory X": - visualizes the hard disk
* "img2icns": - A conversion tool for making any image into a .icns icon file
* "Mac Pilot": - an interface to control more options on the Mac
* "Sidenote": - a VERY helpful note-taking program
* "SizzlingKeys": - allows universal control of iTunes through simple hotkeys
* "Tangerine": - analyzes and organizes the iTunes library by beat characteristics
* "TV Shows": - automatically downloads torrent files of TV shows
* "UnRarX": - very good at decompressing .rar files
* "Vienna Reader": - an OS X-integrated RSS reader with an internal browser
* "VLC Player": - the best media player in existence, it plays anything