“I Hate Cilantro.com”:http://www.ihatecilantro.com/ is a haven for all of us out there who taste something awful when we eat cilantro. I noticed it a few years ago when my then-girlfriend fell in love with Mexican food and I just couldn’t understand it. The food tasted like pennies, bleach, or something else disgusting.
It turns out that I was just one of those people whose genes react very poorly to certain enzymes in cilantro (coriander in British) and make it taste, well, revolting. If you for some reason taste something horrible (usually pennies, bleach, metal) when you eat Mexican or Indian food, maybe you’re one of us. Join “I Hate Cilantro.com”:http://www.ihatecilantro.com/ and share your pain.
An anti-cilantro haiku by user Mightyscoop1:
??A gentle flower??
??Green of stem that haunts my mind??
??The vomit that comes??
Category Archives: Uncategorized
Rubber Duckie, you are the one
“DuckPlanet.com”:http://www.duckplanet.com/ is the number one Rubber Duckie website on the internet and a must-see for the major collectors and the merely curious alike. After perusing the “insanely comprehensive photo collection”:http://www.duckplanet.com/collection_main.html, you may be starting to feel a jonesing for your own rubber duckies. If that’s the case, check out the “duckplanet links”:http://www.duckplanet.com/ducklinks_main.html for a long list of duck suppliers and private collections. Of course if you’re looking for the Paris Hilton-level rubber duckies, try DuckDoos “scented ducks”:http://www.duckdoo.com/. Hmm, mango rubber duckie…
If you do anything at on this site, play the “Duckplanet squeaker game”:http://www.duckplanet.com/squeaker_game_main.html in which you have to guess which rubber toy makes the specific squeak they play for you. Seriously.
"Video Vets" complete
I posted a few weeks ago about the “Video Vets commercial”:http://duenos.net/article/184/ being made by “MoveOn.org”:http://moveon.org and director “Oliver Stone”:http://www.imdb.com/name/nm0000231/ and wanted to update you on that project. The commercial has been finished and is embedded below, although you can also “find it here”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QvJ9Ys7rhrA&eurl=http%3A%2F%2Fmoveon%2Eorg%2F. More than the ad, I found “the interview”:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yv2tAaTNNX0&mode=related&search= with Oliver Stone to be very interesting, although not surprisingly on the wordy side.
Automotive emoticons
http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/8e9a/ displays one of 5 different emoticons (smileys): smiley, frowny, dubious, thanks, and back-off.
Thanks "Jeff":http://jag85.com/.
Condom Couture
Photo site “Pile of Photos”:http://pileofphotos.com/view/78/Clothes_made_of_condoms has put together a collection of clothes for men and women made at least in part from condoms. I’ve put a small selection below, but it’s worth a “look”:http://pileofphotos.com/view/78/Clothes_made_of_condoms to see for yourself all the various rubber robes on offer.
Birth control for men
Here’s the reality, we need a better approach to contraception than the above comic. Seriously. A lot of guys have their own theories about how to avoid unwanted pregnancies, but ultimately it comes down to trust. Trust in partners on hormonal pills/rings, or trust on condoms. There are people out there researching ways for men to get a handle on the situation and “this article”:http://www.malecontraceptives.org/articles/gifford_article.php from Men’s Health magazine sums up the two best ideas so far.
# A Swiss physician working in India before independence developed and tested a regimen of routine VERY HOT 45-minute baths (116 degrees F) over 3 weeks that confuse sperm into immobility. Apparently this condition of temporary infertility can last for 6 months, but obviously it’s a bit more of an art than a science.
# Another trial going on in over-populated India is for a system called RISUG (reversible inhibition of sperm under guidance) which consists of injecting a polystyrene-based polymer into the vas deferens that chemically kills the sperm. The procedure can then be reversed by injecting harmless sodium bicarbonate, leaving the man completely fertile again.
The problem with both of the above simple solutions is that they are, well, simple. No pharmaceutical company will invest in something that is so cheap and effective. Where’s the profit potential. “MaleContraceptives.org”:http://www.malecontraceptives.org/ is a great resource for all sorts of information in the extremely slow-moving field of male birth control. If you know of any other good sites, please comment here and I’ll post them.
I don’t know where the hilarious comic above came from. If it’s your work or someone you know, tell me and I’ll properly cite it.
Life from the deep
This short French documentary on life in the abyss of deep ocean waters starts by saying “these are not aliens.” The disclaimer is a helpful one as you go on to watch translucent squid, writhing luminescent worms, and a a flan-like creature the narrators call a dumbo octopus. The animals shown in this video are no less than incredible, and it’s amazing that they live on the same planet that we do.
I found this video through one of my favorite blogs, “collision detection”:http://www.collisiondetection.net/ by Clive Thompson. His stories and writing style are wonderful, and I recommend reading in full his “introduction”:http://www.collisiondetection.net/mt/archives/2007/05/is_this_sea_cre.html to this video and adding it to your daily read.
Jello San Francisco
This is an oldie but a goodie. Liz Hickok is a San Francisco artist that has worked with a number of media including sculpture, photography and most importantly, jello. “This gallery”:http://www.lizhickok.com/portfolio_jello.html of photos is from her most famous exhibition in which she cast a scale model of downtown San Francisco entirely out of jello, Golden Gate Bridge and everything.
Previously on duenos:
* “13 lb Gummy Bear”:http://duenos.net/article/221/13lbGummyBear
Time your child's birth right and you could win a Sebring
Perennially for sale car company Chrysler has come up with one of the weirder marketing gimicks I’ve seen in a while. In most ways, this is a normal win-a-car auction except for one catch, the only way to qualify to enter the contest is if you have a baby born at 2:03:04 on 05/06/07. I’m not sure whether they’re trying to say that their cars are good for new families, or that they just they like a good number joke, but this is something to keep in mind if you are due to deliver sometime in the next week. Stall.
(Via “Winding Road”:http://news.windingroad.com/marketingadvertising/have-a-baby-win-a-sebring/)
Interested in Ballooning?
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Balloon_modelling in its full force and am still catching my breath. The leading balloonaholic website, "Balloonhq.com":http://www.balloonhq.com/index.html, provides endless "pictures of balloon art":http://www.balloonhq.com/photos/db/index?CCHK=1, how to balloon instructions "(601 page pdf)":http://www.balloonhq.com/faq/BHQ_Sculpture_Instructions.pdf, "contact info for “balloonatics”":http://www.balloonhq.com/dbindex/, "balloon history":http://www.balloonhq.com/faq/history.html, and a "bunch of other stuff":http://www.balloonhq.com/member/ you probably don’t care about. At the very least, this article has kept you sharp on "(un)pop culture":http://www.balloonhq.com/faq/pop_culture.html.